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DS-SLM Decision Support for Mainstreaming and Scaling up Sustainable Land Management

Year: 2020
Place: Thailand
Pages: 1497
Author: Land Development Department
By Country: Thailand
Publisher: Land Development Department
Keyword: DS-SLM; Land Use; Land Degradation; Sustainable; Soil Erosion. Salines Soil

     Land Development Department is the lead and coordinator of the Thailand National Project tooperate the project "Decision Support for Mainstreaming and Scaling up of Sustainable Land Management(DS-SLM)". Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO) is the main agency and strongpartners for almost a decade now working towards common goals and vision to enhance agricultureproductivity particularly through various joint actions that aims to reverse the trends of soil 
degradationas well. The DS-SLM project had been operated during 2018-2020. There were a large number of personnel from Land Development Department participating in this operation. This project is financially supported  by  Global  Environment  Facility  (GEF)    and  is  operated  as  a  global  project  under  thecooperation  of  Food  and  Agriculture Organization  (FAO)  together  with  15  participatory countries, namely Argentina, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Lesotho, Morocco, Nigeria, The Philippines, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey and Uzbekistan. This is regarded as upgrading participatory working to be used in sustainable land management (SLM)

     The  objective  is  to  combat  against  land  degradation  and  drought  all  over  the  world through  the  study  on  measures  or  best  practices  of  sustainable  land  management,  to  assess problems, obstacles and challenges related to soil resources including   building awareness and importance of the land degradation occurrence based on the principle of participatory working from   stakeholders   for   implementing   measures   or   efficient   practices   in   sustainable  land management  from  the  ecosystem  and  to  determine  the guideline  of  scaling  up  and  pushing solutions of land degradation and to utilize operating sustainable land management activities at the area level and the national level.

     This will lead to increasing driving and scaling up or scaling out, so that the results of the study  can  be  presented  to  executives  and  authorities  determining  policy  decision making  to develop the ecosystem to the system receiving services from the ecosystem more. National food security is  also  created.  Operating  activities  in  terms  of  land management  for  using  resources sustainably at  the  regional  level  and  at  the  national  level  has  been  promoted,  which  has  been affected by the problems of desertification, land degradation and drought. Moreover, developing database  to  be  collected  as  sustainable  land  management  (SLM)  measures  has  been  supported under the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).  Developing other data, which will benefit driving towards Sustainable Land Development Goals (SDGs) more further.

Reference: GEF & FAO