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Periodic meetings for provincial governmental officers and NGOs to integrated their work plans related to Sustainable Land Management (SLM) in Pa Laew Luang Sub District, San Ti Sook District, Nan Pro

Year: 2023
Place: Thailand
Pages: 14
Author: Land Development Department
By Country: Thailand
Publisher: Land Development Department
Keyword: SLM

I. Principles and reasons
The project of improving local community's livelihoods and engagement in sustainable forest and land management in Thailand through Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in Pa
Laew  Luang  Sub  District  San  Ti  Sook  District  Nan  Province  is  cooperated  by  Land Development Department (LDD), Center of Excellence for Soil Research in Asia ( CESRA), The  International  Union  for  Conservation  of  Nature  (IUCN)  and  Royal  Forest  Department (RFD). The arrangement of the meeting on 11-12 September 2023 at Nam Thong Nan Hotel,Mueng Nan District, Nan Province was provided for provincial governmental officers, NGOs and stakeholders in Pa Laew Luang Sub District. The main issue informed and explained the work plan of the project. This meeting also integrate their work plans related on sustainable forest and land management and ensured collaboration among different sectors. There explain on  the  benefit  of  the  sustainable  forest  and  land  management  through  Forest  Landscape Restoration (FLR) to enhance the livelihoods of the community under the support of Asian Forest   Cooperation   Organization   (AFoCO).   The   achievement   of   the   project   need   the collaboration from the local organization to keep balance between develop agricultural area and conserve the plenty community forest. Communities are able to create and increase their household income along with sustainable development and conservation of natural resource.

Reference: LDD